Tuta Mail & Tuta Calendar Updates (+ What’s coming next)

Your encrypted Tuta apps are becoming faster, easier to use and built for even more convenience. Let’s take a look at what’s recently changed, and what you can expect to see next!

Tuta Calendar updates: Advanced repeat rules, three-day view and calendar name in event preview.

Our team has released some amazing new features for both Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar and it’s not stopping there. Now, your encrypted calendar has been upgraded with improved calendar repeat rules, a three-day view, and calendar name in event preview. And your mailbox will soon have a polished conversation view and much faster loading speeds! Let’s take a look at what upgrades you can now experience in your encrypted Mail and Calendar apps, and take a sneak peek of what our team has in development which you will soon get to experience!

It’s just three months into 2025 and our teams have released some exciting features to both Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar! From single click email export, to the much-awaited email import and quicker PQ roll out, it’s safe to say that we have kick-started 2025 on a great note!

What has changed for your Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar in 2025?

🎉 Just released for Tuta Calendar

• Advanced repeat rules

• Three-day view

• Calendar name in event preview

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👏 Coming soon for Tuta Mail

• Improved conversation view in Email

• Quicker loading speed of mailbox

• Continued improvements in UI

🤭 Sneak peek of what to expect next

  • For your Mailbox: Search improvements with the addition of partial text search

  • For your Calendar: The calendar widget for Android and iOS

Changes in 2025

Ongoing Changes

• Quicker roll out of PQ Encryption

• Continued rebranding

Implmented improvements to Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar this year

• Labels

• Single-Click Email Export

• Email Import

What’s new in Tuta Calendar

The standalone Tuta Calendar app was first released in 2024, and since then it has only gotten better. Let’s take a look at the latest features you can now use in your encrypted calendar.

Easier event management with advanced repeat rules

Mit den erweiterten Wiederholungsregeln von Tuta können Sie jetzt festlegen, wann und wie oft Ihre Kalenderereignisse stattfinden sollen. Mit den erweiterten Wiederholungsregeln von Tuta können Sie jetzt festlegen, wann und wie oft Ihre Kalenderereignisse stattfinden sollen. With Tuta’s advanced repeat rules you can now choose when and for how many occurrences your calendar events should take place.

The improved event creation flow marked a huge step in user experience when creating new events in the Tuta Calendar. And since then our team has continued working on improving event creation - more specifically with advanced repeating rules. The release of our advanced repeating rules means that now you can create events and have more freedom and flexibility to choose when your events are repeated!

What do advanced repeat rules give you?

  • You can choose for events to repeat Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually.

  • You now have more flexibility for the intervals of when the event is repeated, for instance every third week, or every third Monday of the month.

  • You decide when the event repeat ends. End the event by the number of occurrences or on a specific date.

Turn ON Privacy in one click.

Better overview with a three-day view

Drei-Tage-Ansicht des Tuta Calendar Drei-Tage-Ansicht des Tuta Calendar Tuta Calendar’s three-day view makes viewing your calendar and its events easier specifically on mobile devices.

While we have focused a lot on making event creation a seamless process, and ensured it is suited to your preferences. We have now been focusing on improving the viewing options of the calendar and now offer a three-day view. This three-day view is especially useful when using the Tuta Calendar on your iOS or Android device!

Differentiate your events with calendar names in event preview

Mit den Kalendernamen in der Terminvorschau können Sie leicht unterscheiden, welche Termine zu welchem Kalender gehören. Mit den Kalendernamen in der Terminvorschau können Sie leicht unterscheiden, welche Termine zu welchem Kalender gehören. Calendar names in event previews allow you to easily distinguish what events belong to which calendar.

If you have shared calendars with your family, groups, or work colleagues, it can be confusing to differentiate which events belongs to which person or group. To improve how events are displayed and distinguished, we have introduced calendar names in event preview. This new feature makes it easier to see which events in your calendar belong to which calendars.

In progress: PQ roll out is speeding up

Inzwischen sind mehr als 50% der Tuta-Benutzer mit Post-Quantum-Verschlüsselung geschützt. Inzwischen sind mehr als 50% der Tuta-Benutzer mit Post-Quantum-Verschlüsselung geschützt. Post quantum roll out continues at a quicker pace! Now, more than 50% of existing Tuta users are protected with post-quantum encryption.

One year ago we released TutaCrypt, and since then we have been gradually rolling it out to all Tuta users. The roll out of Tuta Crypt is a steady and successful process, and now it’s happening at a much quicker pace! Two weeks ago we started rolling it out to every 4th customer (for accounts created before March 2024) and now we have started rolling it out for every single-user account. Next up is the roll-out for multi-user accounts, which is more complex.

What’s coming soon?

Soon there will be some new features and changes to Tuta Mail that will improve your email organization, increase the intuitiveness of the interface, and last but not least, you will start experiencing increased loading speeds of your encrypted mailbox!

Conversation view

orgeschmack auf die Konversationsansicht: Hier sehen Sie, wie Sie mehrere E-Mails von Absendern gruppieren können. orgeschmack auf die Konversationsansicht: Hier sehen Sie, wie Sie mehrere E-Mails von Absendern gruppieren können. Sneak peek of conversation view: Here’s how you will be able to group multiple emails from senders.

The introduction of the optimized conversation view in Tuta Mail allows you to choose to group multiple emails from senders, and it also allows you to select the group of emails and move or delete them all in one go. With conversation view, you’ll get better visibility and easier email organization for all your encrypted emails in Tuta.

Faster mailbox loading and search

Soon your mailbox will load faster and you’ll be able to search for emails faster too - on all your devices! Thanks to search index improvements and improvements made to search in mail, loading your mailbox and searching for mails will be a more seamless and fast experience.

Improvements in UI on all devices

Next up you will also start to notice some nice UI improvements in your mailbox on all platforms! Our teams are constantly working to improve the UI of both Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar to give you the best experience whether sending emails or planning your schedule!

Sneak peek of what to expect next

Partial text search

Our mail team is currently working on adding partial text search in mail. This means that in the near future, you’ll be able to search using partial texts in any language.

Calendar widgets

Soon the much-awaited Tuta Calendar widget will become available on F-Droid, Android and, iOS This will allow you to set the Tuta Calendar as your chosen calendar widget on your mobile device.

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