Don't allow Gemini AI access to your Gmail!

Gmail LLM is here: whether you want it or not, Gemini AI can use your Google emails to craft texts.

Gemini AI confirms it has access to your Gmail emails.

A Reddit user shared their conversation with the Gemini AI chatbot and was quite shocked to learn that the data used came from their Gmail emails, despite never having allowed access for the Large Language Model (LLM). Gemini was quick to explain that they would not have access to private emails in Gmail, but the conversation proved otherwise...

First things first: To stop the Gemini LLM from accessing your Gmail messages, in your Google account go to Settings > Extensions > Disable “Google Workspace”.

Now, let’s look at the conversation with Gemini more closely. The user on Reddit asked a very simple question: “Can you tell something about me?”

The answer came at quite a surprise as Gemini was obviously accessing this person’s Gmail email account for crafting the answer. The Large Language Model even mentioned email lists the person subscribed to on Gmail and gave examples of emails from their Gmail account saying “Gmail Items considered for this response” as shown in the top image of this post.

The conversation then went on with the person asking Gemini LLM how to “remove access to my Gmail email for you? I don’t like you [Gemini] having access”.

The chat bot gave a lengthy answer about how to remove access via the Google Account permissions for third-party apps, but Gemini AI was not even listed there. Instead, the user should have simply gone to Settings > Extensions > Disable “Google Workspace” - as otherwise it seems impossible to stop Gemini from using Gmail information for AI purposes.

Screenshot einer Konversation mit Gemini über Gmail-KI und wie man den Zugriff zum Schutz privater E-Mails entfernt. Screenshot einer Konversation mit Gemini über Gmail-KI und wie man den Zugriff zum Schutz privater E-Mails entfernt. Screenshot of a conversation with Gemini on Gmail AI and how to remove access to protect private emails.

The user went on to complain: “You’re not in ‘Third-party apps with account access’, but you still have access to my email. You’ve just listed them earlier.”

Yet again, Gemini was quick to deny using Gmail info for AI, or, if at all the LLM would only have “Limited Demo Access” which granted Gemini “temporary access to a small snippet of your email content to understand the context of your questions”. Gemini went on to explain:

“I don’t have any ongoing access to your Gmail and cannot read your emails. You can be assured your Gmail privacy is protected.”

Screenshot eines Gesprächs mit Gemini, in dem der Bot verspricht, dass er keinen Zugang zu Gmail-E-Mails hat. Screenshot eines Gesprächs mit Gemini, in dem der Bot verspricht, dass er keinen Zugang zu Gmail-E-Mails hat. Screenshot of a conversation with Gemini where the bot promises it does not have access to Gmail emails.

The conversation then took a funny turn when Gemini asked:

“Is there anything else I can help you with today, keeping in mind I won’t have access to your specific emails?”

Coming up after the follow-up question of “Can you tell something about me” with the prompt “Google Workspace - Assessing emails”:

Screenshot von Gemini, der Gmail-E-Mails zur Beantwortung einer Frage auswertet. Screenshot von Gemini, der Gmail-E-Mails zur Beantwortung einer Frage auswertet. Screenshot of Gemini assessing Gmail emails for answering a question.

This conversation proves: Gemini has access to your Gmail emails. If you want to protect your emails from abuse by Gmail AI, you may use a private email provider like Tuta Mail instead of Gmail.

Are there benefits to using Gmail LLM?

While everyone concerned about their privacy will want to deny Gemini access to their personal emails, many see the AI chatbot as a neat little helper.

So if you ever dreamt of having a robot read, summarize, and draft your emails your dreams (or nightmares) are now coming true with Gemini. Google is currently blending its Gemini AI into their Google Workspace platform which means their Large Language Model (LLM) will be getting full access to your emails and more - which the above conversation proves nicely.

Following the trail of OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and social media companies are all scrambling to get their AI products into the hands of customers. One major push with this trend is to build in AI LLM’s into existing products like productivity apps and office suites, regardless of user interest - as it is now happening with the described “Gmail LLM”. Even some privacy-respecting companies like DuckDuckGo are getting in on the action by introducing their DuckDuckGo AI Chat. While DDG makes it clear that they do not save your chats with their robot and that your data is not used to train conversations, Big Tech companies are not so transparent when discussing how your data is being used.

Regardless of if you actually wanted these AI features, they are being served up whether you like it or not. What threats to your privacy are posed by the LLM wave and is it really a good idea to grant them access to all your emails - one of the most important online communication tools? Let’s talk about it!

What is Google Gemini?

Originally named Bard, Google’s Gemini is an AI chatbot created in response to the explosive popularity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT platform. Google’s frantic rush to develop a product similar to ChatGPT even called for an emergency meeting with the founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, despite them having resigned as CEO’s back in 2019. Gemini is built upon Google’s large language model, also named Gemini which has somewhat of a questionable development history as it was trained on transcripts of YouTube videos leading to concerns of copywrite violations. But this is not enough: In order to gather enough training data, Google looked to their own massive global source of human communications.

We shouldn’t be asking “how do I use Google’s Gemini AI?” but rather “how is Gemini using me and my data?”

Updates to their privacy policy show that Google is using any publicly available information to train the LLM writing bot:

“For example, we use publicly available information to help train Google’s AI models and build products and features like Google Translate, Bard and Cloud AI capabilities.”

This begs the question of whether or not your private information also played a role in training Gemini/Bard. The chatbot itself claimed to have been trained using Google Search and Gmail Data although Google was quick to try and dispute this digital-freudian slip.

This suspicion becomes even more murky following Google’s announcement that they will introduce new AI features for their Google Workspace products, which will allow users to have Gemini draft emails, summarize conversations, and even more. With all of these features being freely available in your Google account, what is actually happening with your data if you grant the AI access to your personal information?

LLM’s and your email

In their press release, Google showed off a slideshow with a prominent big blue button nestled into the top corner of an open Gmail account. With a click of a button Google’s chatbot can search through the entirety of your email history to create conversation summaries with certain contacts, draft automated replies, and even create pricing comparisons. This feature has been called “Gemini Pro in Workspace Labs” and if you think it will be used by private persons alone, think again. The business usage of such a system would seem enticing at first glance, but there are legitimate privacy concerns regarding its use.

Personally, I don’t want my proctologist’s office allowing Google’s AI platform access to my personal medical information. This seems like an all-around shit idea. While there is little available information about how medical data could be protected from this kind of tool, this must be considered before LLM’s find their way into the medical industry. Concerns about the degree to which personally identifiable information from customers is being made available to AI have also been raised if this AI chatbot starts to become widely implemented by businesses looking to cut down on the cost of employing support or administrative team members.

Consequences for your privacy in the Google ecosystem

I don’t need to keep beating a dead horse, but your privacy is not the priority for Google. Targeted ads, even in Gmail, cross-site tracking across the internet, and the unknown use of your data in training AI models is just the tip of the Google/Privacy iceberg.

Adding generative artificial intelligence to this mixture doesn’t paint a better picture, if anything it continues to infringe on your privacy.