
The Tuta Guides help you become more private on the web.

  • How to prevent email phishing attacks - a quick guide.

    One of the most common attacks on the internet that poses an underestimated threat to your online security are email phishing attacks and email scams. By impersonating large organizations scammers try to get hold of your sensitive information and your login credentials such as passwords. But with a few tips in mind, you can easily prevent phishing from being successful.

  • How to stop email spam and block invasive marketing strategies.

    Two apps that stand out for what I like to refer to as ‘spam email marketing’ are LinkedIn and Duolingo. I’m not saying I dislike these two platforms, they both have their uses, but I am growing increasingly put off by how many emails they send me daily. While I’ve given two examples of companies that deploy this type of email marketing tactic, the reality is that this is much more common and it happens with just about all companies you create an account with or sign up to use.

  • What is a tech stack and how Tuta makes sure it's secure

    Privacy and security is only as strong as the weakest link. That's why at Tuta we make sure to have full control over our tech stack. By only using open source technologies and tooling we can provide transparent trustworthy security. If a pre-built tool doesn't exist as open source, then we roll up our sleeves and build our own. But why is this investment into our technology stack worth it? And how does it improve your security? Let me explain!

  • Understanding Cryptography: The Basics

    Cryptography has been around for millennia, and was invented probably as early as man started to write. But in modern times and with the rise of computers, it has led to a major shift in the ability to communicate securely. In our current digital landscape, there are two main forms of cryptography in use, symmetric and asymmetric (public key) encryption. The following is a brief introduction to the differences between these two forms of encoding data, what their use cases are, and how they can be used to protect your emails from prying eyes.

  • Increase your privacy with these Android security settings.

    It’s crazy to think how much information and personal data your phone is storing for you: The photos you take, messages you send, what you search in your browser, your location and maps history – I’m sure I could go on, don’t you agree? Google lets you use free apps for most tasks on your smartphone, but you still pay: with your data. It’s time to stop this data mining machine, the creation of personalized profiles and limitless tracking. To improve your privacy on Android, you only need to change a few essential settings.

  • Essential iPhone security tips to protect your private data.

    Apple’s surge in popularity has made the question “can iPhones get viruses at all?” a bit antiquated. The answer today, unfortunately, is a resounding yes! From browser hijacking to Pegasus spyware, iPhones are now exposed to more threats than ever before. But we’ve got you covered with a number of tips and tricks to help protect your iOS devices.

  • What is credential stuffing? All you need to know!

    Congratulations for being here: You are about to lift your online security to a completely new level! Today you’ll learn everything you need to know about credential stuffing attacks. This popular cyberattack means that malicious attackers use login credentials gained from data breaches to break into other accounts. As people re-use passwords, it’s very effective, but at the same time an attack you can easily protect yourself from!

  • Everything Google knows about you and how to stop it!

    The Google logo has become a recognizable symbol on our beloved computers since the start– from our massive desktop computers, to the thick bulky laptop (which were so modern at the time), to today’s laptops, tablets and smartphones – Google has been there, through it all. And as we grew up with the comings and goings of different online services, Google has remained and continued to grow - and sadly grow more and more invasive into our every move online!

  • How to send a secure email in Outlook

    Sending emails is a formal, widely used form of communication that is used by billions of people around the world today – especially for confidential business and official matters. So it’s no surprise that for most people, their mailbox contains a lot of private information and messages.

  • How To Unsubscribe From Emails

    We’ve all heard an email notification and opened our mailbox only to find an annoying marketing email. Whenever you sign up for a service or create an account, they somehow always trick you into giving your consent to receive promotional or marketing related emails.

  • How to block emails on Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and Tuta Mail

    Spam emails can hit any email service: Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, or Tuta Mail. Fortunately, it's very easy to block unwanted emails on Gmail and Co. This guide will help you regain a spam-free mailbox. And with slightly more effort, you can not only get a spam-free mailbox but also one that is completely free of annoying advertisements. Learn here how you can keep your mailbox free from junk and ads.

  • Threat Modeling In 2024: Your Guide For Better Security

    Threat modeling is serious business in the world of enterprise level IT. But this doesn’t only apply to large corporations. Your personal privacy and security can benefit from doing your own threat model analysis. Learn here how it’s done quickly!