100% GDPR-compliant with Tuta Mail

Jugendhilfe Bockenem chose Tuta Mail for security and data protection.

Jugendhilfe Bockenem

Jugendhilfe Bockenem ensures 100% GDPR compliance with Tuta Mail, protecting sensitive data for children and families. With end-to-end encryption and user-friendly features, Tuta Mail enhances security and trust within the organization. Managing Director Michael Krause emphasizes the peace of mind this solution brings to their critical work. Read more about why Jugendhilfe Bockenem with its 170 employees chose Tuta Mail to protect their communication.

Jugendhilfe Bockenem, which operates throughout the district of Hildesheim and in neighboring regions, has set itself the task of supporting children, adolescents and young adults in their various life situations. With a wide range of outpatient, partial inpatient and inpatient facilities, including counseling, therapy and assisted living, Jugendhilfe Bockenem and its 170 employees do everything they can to help families live well together again. If this is not possible, the organization, as part of the Protestant regional church, offers alternative forms of care and assisted living.

Michael Krause, Managing Director, says: “At Jugendhilfe Bockenem, we help to ensure that social interaction remains social, becomes more social, and that disadvantaged young people can participate in our society. We pave the way for this. For our work, we need 1. trained, pedagogical specialists and 2. the support of the public sector, which finances this help. This is how we achieve better coexistence in our society.”

The challenge

Jugendhilfe Bockenem handles sensitive, personal data of children, young people and families on a daily basis, the protection of which is paramount. For this, it was necessary to find a reliable and secure email solution that meets the strict data protection requirements of the GDPR and the Protestant regional church and is also very easy to use and cost-effective.

The solution

The choice fell on Tuta Mail, a secure email solution specifically designed to protect data through end-to-end encryption. Tuta Mail provides Jugendhilfe Bockenem with a robust yet user-friendly platform that enables the secure exchange of emails and data and is so easy to use that everyone in the organization can use it. Of particular importance to Jugendhilfe Bockenem is that all internal emails are automatically protected with end-to-end encryption, as well as the option to send encrypted emails to external parties using a simple password exchange.

Image of Managing Director Michael Krause with quote: We mainly work with Tuta's mail client and thus cover the data protection requirements imposed on us for our sensitive data. We create security for our employees and for our counterparts,
whose data we want and need to protect. Tuta Mail is a simple, straightforward system that allows us to communicate with everybody in encrypted form. This creates a general feeling of reassurance for our organization.

Implementation and use

The introduction of Tuta Mail for business into the work processes of Jugendhilfe Bockenem was coordinated by the IT department. An administrator set up the personalized email addresses for the employees and supported the internal roll-out of the new email solution.

Advantages and improvements

Since the introduction of Tuta Mail, the feeling of security within the organization has improved noticeably. The improved security is particularly appreciated for internal and external communication with sensitive, personal data. Tuta Mail impresses with a technically stable software solution that is clear and easy to use. It also offers an excellent cost-benefit ratio, which was a decisive factor for Jugendhilfe Bockenem.

”Personally, I like the pleasant clarity, that it’s not as complex as most systems, that you receive notifications of new emails and that it’s easy to use,” says Krause. “Tuta Mail is also a well-known software in professional circles, which made the introduction much easier.”

Reputational advantage

The secure communication has increased the trust of partners and data subjects and shows that Jugendhilfe Bockenem attaches great importance to data protection and complies 100% with the requirements of the GDPR and the Protestant state church.

By using Tuta Mail, Jugendhilfe Bockenem has been able to further strengthen its reputation as a modern and data protection-conscious organization. “We notice that we get recognition for using such a system. Especially when we send encrypted emails via password exchange, the response is often: ‘Nice, you’re very thorough when it comes to data protection!‘ That has a great external impact!”


Tuta Mail has helped Jugendhilfe Bockenem to meet the high data protection requirements and at the same time to establish a simple and user-friendly communication solution. The increased data security and the positive cost-benefit ratio are just some of the many advantages that Tuta Mail offers Jugendhilfe Bockenem. In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to protect sensitive, personal data very well in order to prevent financial and reputational damage to the company. Jugendhilfe Bockenem sees itself on the best possible path for this with Tuta Mail.