We at Tutanota want to provide you with the most secure email service possible. That's why we have invested a lot of time and
effort into updating our encryption algorithms. In the future we will also be looking into ways to make your encrypted mailbox
resistant to attacks from quantum computers. Please excuse if we have a short downtime during the release.
Democracies have created powerful surveillance structures, similar to the ones already being used by current
despots. Out of fear from terrorists democratically elected governments around the world have limited everybody's
basic rights as citizens. Future authoritarian politicians will use this power against their own enemies: journalists, the opposition,
human rights activists, and many, many more.
Surveillance around the world increases, recently fueled by terrorist attacks in France and Belgium. Sadly, the German government
is no exception with Merkel saying 'when in doubt we favor security'. However, the German Constitutional Court has proven again
that it is an important defender of our right to privacy.
We are happy to announce that we plan to release a completely new client! We are currently improving your
secure email service from scratch, which will greatly improve speed and design.
We have partnered with Una to bring to you the most private and secure smartphone:
the UnaPhone Zenith. We at Tutanota and Una believe that a phone should not be your personal surveillance device, but simply
your personal phone, where all the data remains with you and cannot be exploited.
The Islamic terror has reached Europe, and the only weapon we have against it is an ever increasing surveillance of the general public.
At least that’s what Politicians want us to believe. But it is wrong.
In case you are already using Android 6 with cloud backups switched on and stored your Tutanota password in the app, please update
the Tutanota app immediately to version 2.9.6; then change your password.
After the tragic attacks on Tuesday in Brussels, Politicians again rush to blame encryption - even though
there is no evidence that the terrorists even used encryption.
Tutanota and Qabel share one goal: Every piece of data has to be encrypted. By developing software that automatically
encrypts all data end-to-end, we want to achieve that encryption becomes mainstream. This will enable us to put an end
to the illegal mass surveillance online.
All Tutanota users - Premium or Free - can get five additional aliases with today's edition of the German
magazine Computer Bild. Soon we will also release alias packages so that everybody can add as many aliases as necessary.
We are happy to update the mobile apps for our secure email service Tutanota today! Now you can also use multi-select
in the Tutanota apps. Please note: It might take a few hours/days until the new app version is pushed to the stores.
Two years after our first beta release of Tutanota, we have now reached one million users! This is big step for online
security because Tutanota automatically encrypts emails end-to-end. Already every second email sent with Tutanota
is end-to-end encrypted. This makes illegal mass surveillance of Tutanota mailboxes impossible.