Due to a security update on the Tutanota servers we will expect a short downtime around 16:00 UTC. We will patch the servers because of the security issue CVE-2015-7547 in the operating system.
We are happy to release Tutanota version 2.9 (desktop only, mobile apps will be updated later). This release includes multi selection for desktop and some bug fixes.
Today we are happy to announce that you can use inbox rules as a Premium feature! After an
intensive internal discussion, we have decided that inbox rules is a feature that only heavy email users who are
willing to upgrade need.
We keep the price for Premium as low as possible so that everyone can afford it: It’s only 1 Euro per month.
More than four years ago we started building Tutanota. The challenge we were faced with was automatizing the key exchange
so that every user can encrypt their emails without any hassle. But at the same time we had to make sure that we don't have
access to the private keys of our users.
We are happy to announce the release of a draft feature to your Tutanota mailbox. This is great new feature which will
improve the usability of Tutanota a lot. Many more features will follow this year!
As several of you have noticed, we have a new addition to our Support Team: Meike. We are very happy to welcome Meike
and to have her on board here at Tutanota! Most of your questions to us will be answered by her while technical requests
are mainly handled by one of our developers.
At Tutanota we are building the fully encrypted communication platform of the future. With our open source project
Tutanota we aim at making the web open, secure and accessible for everyone. Now we want you to join our team!
In November, the Interior Minister of Germany, Thomas De Maizière, signed a charta to strengthen confidential communication
online. This charta states that is supports and promotes strong end-to-end encryption. While around the world surveillance
measures are on the rise, Germany wants to become 'Encryption Site Number One'.
This week the German company Vodafone started an encrypted email service for businesses called 'Secure Email'. We welcome
their contribution in making our communication as a whole more secure. It is always good to have competition so that we work even harder
in making Tutanota the easiest and most secure email service available to everybody!
We are thrilled that the first version of the Tutanota app has been released for Firefox OS this week. As the Mozilla Foundation and
Tutanota share the same goal of making the Web open, accessible and secure, this is the perfect place for our app.