Please welcome with us our new team member: Nils. Nils has already joined Tutanota back in September 2018 for an
internship during which he started building the Tutanota desktop clients. After adding such a great improvement to
Tutanota, everyone wanted Nils to stay. So now we are all very happy to announce that Nils has officially become our
eighth team member!
Tutanota and the Leibniz University Hanover have joined forces to start a research project in post-quantum cryptography.
The aim of this project is to make the encrypted email service Tutanota resistant against attacks from quantum
computers. Now, Tutanota is looking for two software engineers to join their team based in Hanover, Germany.
Email accounts are the gate to your online identity. Linked to several other services - e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Twitter -
that offer password resets via email, your mailbox must be secured to the maximum. Should a malicious attacker gain access
to your email account, they can take over all other online services that are linked to this email address.
When choosing an email service, its security must be considered. This comparison will help you decide between two
very different German email services: GMX and Tutanota.
Today we are very happy to announce that we have a special Christmas present for all Tutanota users. We have
just published the first beta version of our new secure desktop clients for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. We invite you to test
our beta desktop client right now, and let us know how we can improve them further.
Today we are pushing our new secure email client out of beta. With amazing speed and design, new features such as full-text search
on encrypted data, secure password reset, two-factor authentication, a dark theme, auto-sync and lots of usability improvements, our completely rebuilt email client
makes the transitioning from privacy-invading email services to Tutanota - the secure email service with
encryption by default - as easy as can be. Join the millions of Tutanota users to make sure that your emails are
no longer as public as postcards, but instead as secure as sealed letters.
We are happy to let you know that we have updated our email client and added a secure password reset feature. This feature
enables you to reset your Tutanota login credentials in case you lose your password or your second factor. Learn here
how to make use of Tutanota's reset feature to make sure that you never lose access to your secure Tutanota account.
Widely unnoticed, Denmark is the first country to require businesses to encrypt emails containing sensitive personal
information end-to-end, starting January 1, 2019. This rule is a strict interpretation of Article 9 of the
European GDPR.
It is the first time a country has made email encryption mandatory — but it is expected that more countries will follow the
Danish example. This comes as yet another indicator that the protection of
sensitive personal data must be prioritized by any company doing business in Europe.
We are happy to announce that Tutanota has joined LOT Network, a global non-profit
community of companies committed to protecting
themselves against patent trolls. We believe that patents, or patent troll law suits, must never be used
to stifle innovation. By joining the LOT Network and
by working together, all members can cut down on patent litigation,
enabling us to focus on what we do best: building great products.
Two weeks ago, our development team has discovered and immediately patched a security vulnerability in the new Tutanota apps.
This vulnerability could
have allowed attackers to inject arbitrary code into the web part of the app using crafted file names if a user
downloaded this file. As far as we
know, there has not been an active exploitation of this vulnerability. We estimate that only a fraction of our
users had used the affected app versions.
Consumer trust in companies decreases at an ever faster pace. Caused by data breach scandals as well as privacy-intrusive
misuse of data by the companies themselves, consumers increasingly look for trustworthy alternatives. Instead of gambling
with their users' trust, companies
should respect their users' rights to privacy by encrypting the data end-to-end.
We're excited to let you know that we have just published a brand-new version of the iOS app. The new app is faster,
supports 2FA, auto-sync and full text search. We're very happy that we now have a new web client, a new Android app, and a new
iOS app. Now we're adding some last improvements along with a couple of bug fixes,
and, finally, the new version of Tutanota will be ready to leave its beta status behind!
We are excited to let you know that we have updated our new beta client and beta Android app. This update includes
several usability improvements, fixes some bugs, and most importantly: prepares the app for its upcoming F-Droid release!