The German Ministry of the Interior wants to force WhatsApp, Threema and Apple to decrypt encrypted messages. But a backdoor for the "good guys" only is impossible.
Tutanota lets you send secure emails to any email provider by encrypting these emails with the help of a password. Now you can customize the notification email for these encrypted emails.
Secure Connect is an open source encrypted communication tool which lets people communicate with the representative of a website securely and anonymously.
Let's Encrypt aims at making the Web more secure. Let's Encrypt achieves this by issuing TLS/SSL certificates for free and in the easiest way possible. This makes Let's Encrypt a perfect match for Tutanota as we aim at securing all emails by encrypting them end-to-end automatically.
Tutanota as a secure email service protects your right to privacy with built-in encryption. Due to the encryption, search needs to be done locally on the client which is now much faster.