How To End An Email (With Examples of Dos & Don'ts)

Quick overview of how to best end your emails to friends, teachers, business contacts and more.

Deciding how to end an email can be time consuming and confusing. There are many different email sign offs that are widely used and accepted but they are all dependent on who the recipient is and the context of the message. Learn in this post how to best end an email.

Everyday an average of 361.6 billion emails are sent and received globally, and this number is expected to keep increasing. Writing, sending and receiving emails has become an integrated part of our daily routine, particularly in business communication, and it is here to stay, so perfecting your email etiquette is something you should invest in. Finding the appropriate phrase to close an email is important to show professionalism and respect.

While we usually know what we would like to say in our emails, what can be challenging is knowing how to end an email. How you close the email helps transport your tone, attention to detail and professionalism. Once you’ve written the body of the email, you might be stuck with the ending and need answers to your questions like, how to end an email professionally, how to end an email formally and how to politely end an email. There are many different emails – personal and professional ones - that require different email sign-offs, but don’t worry, we are here to help.

We’ve put together a collection of examples to help you best end an email depending on your scenario. From ending an email professionally to ending an email casually – we have your email sign off questions covered.

How to end an email professionally

There are many occasions we need to sound professional when writing emails, and while you may sound professional at the start or within the written email body, how you sign off the email is just as important.

Maybe you need an appropriate email ending for a job application, a professional email ending for your boss, or maybe it’s to the CEO of the company.

Either way, here’s our list of the most common professional and safe ways to end an email:

  • Best regards
  • Warm regards
  • Best wishes
  • Sincerely
  • Respectfully
  • Thank you
  • Many thanks
  • Thank you in advance

Tips for signing off an email professionally:

Always use a closing line: After you’ve written the body of the email, you always need to end this with a closing line. This closing line indicates that your message is complete. The closing line of your email should show gratitude and also have a call-to-action (CTA) or some kind of statement that shows you are waiting for a response or motivates the recipient to respond. After this closing line, you should use one of the sign-offs we’ve mentioned above.

Include your contact information: If you’re writing a formal email for professional reasons, we recommend always including additional contact methods like your phone number.

Closing lines before ending a professional email could be the following:

  • Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Please let me know if you need anything else.

  • Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Thank you for your consideration.

Examples of how to end an email professionally and friendly with Dos and Don'ts

How to end an email casually and friendly

Here’s our list of causal email endings, that are friendly and widely used.

  • Best
  • Cheers
  • Take care
  • See you soon
  • Talk soon
  • Have a great day
  • Thanks

Email endings to avoid

If you’re writing an email for business or a formal email, please avoid using these sign offs! Remember, your email closing directly impacts your tone and professionalism of what you’ve said.

Examples of email endings to avoid.

  • Thx or Rgrds
  • Love
  • Xoxo
  • Yours faithfully / Truly
  • Sent from my iPhone
  • No closing at all

Speaking of email endings…

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Now you have not only learned how to best end an email, but you can also show your professionalism in choosing the most secure email service – one that respects your right to privacy and keeps all your data secure!

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