We Are Very Happy to Welcome Anton to Our Team

Please welcome with us our newest team member: Anton. He has recently joined our team, and he has already proven to be the perfect addition. As our user base is growing constantly, so is our team! We are now six enthusiastic freedom fighters that work towards one shared goal: Protecting our right to privacy online.

Anton is part of our developer team, and he is the one behind the new contact import feature that has recently been added to your secure mail service.

Anton - a freedom fighter with a mission

Anton is a freedom fighter through and through. That’s also why he applied at Tutanota. “I believe that freedom of expression is one of the most important principles in our society, and it is crucial to maintain and strengthen this freedom”, says Anton. “There are still many people in the world who cannot freely speak their mind, and this needs to change. We need freedom of speech to advance our societies for the better. Without a free, and private exchange of opinions, political opponents can be muzzled. Yet, the free discussion and confrontation of opinions is what changes a society for the better."

"After the NSA scandal triggered by Edward Snowden in 2013, I started to get informed about privacy protection online, and I was shocked. I came to understand that there is no privacy, unless you take it back. Following Edward Snowden’s advice to start with email encryption, I tried PGP, but soon gave up as none of my friends were using it. That’s how I came across Tutanota, and when I found out that they were based in Hanover, I was totally hooked. I am very excited to develop something important with a passionate team. My mission is to change the society for the better by allowing everyone to have a free and private conversation.”

New Year - New Tutanota!

Anton has already helped developing our new mail client that has proven to be a huge success with our users. The fresh and modern design along with improved performance have given Tutanota a huge push. Now we are continuously adding features, the most innovative one is secure search within your encrypted Tutanota mailbox. Now you can search for your emails stored in Tutanota even though all data is end-to-end encrypted.

Screenshot Secure Mail Client: Write Mail

Organic growth for independence

At Tutanota we prefer to grow organically rather than extremely fast. We deliberately abstain from big money from big investors - particularly from American investors.

Growing organically is extremely important to us as it guarantees one thing: We remain independent and can decide for ourselves what we develop next, and how! Only by remaining independent we can make sure that no one can influence our development and that no one can force us to integrate a backdoor. Others can also verify that by checking our open source code published on GitHub.

Our team now consists of six people: Anton, Arne, Bernd, Hanna, Matthias and Meike. At Tutanota we invest all income we generate from selling Tutanota Premium directly into growing our team. This year we plan to add more developers to the team so if you are as privacy-enthusiastic as Anton and willing to move to Hanover, please get in touch.

Check out how our developers are improving Tutanota and try out our new mail client!