Business feature

The new Business feature includes lots of features that are particularly required by companies. From now on, this new feature is already included in all subscriptions if you book as ‘business’. In case you want to use Tutanota as a ‘private’ person, you can still book the Business feature under ‘Settings’ -> ‘Subscription’ -> ‘Extensions’ or by clicking here and scroll down to Business feature.

What is included?

  • out of office notifications
  • sending calendar invites
  • option to add multiple domains

Besides the already included features, we are currently also working on templates. Templates will give you the option to send prepared template emails to standard requests so that you can immensely speed up your email workflow.

We estimate that we can publish templates in a couple of weeks, and templates will be automatically included in the Business feature, even if you book it now.

Changes for current customers

This release also includes some changes for all users of our paid subscriptions. Up to now, sending calendar invites and adding multiple domains were included in Premium, and therefore available to all paying users. This will no longer be the case.

The reason we are doing this is that we are committed to keeping the Premium price as low as possible for private users. To be able to maintain a low Premium price, we are introducing the new Business feature now.

Update 2021-03-03: We first published these changes with immediate effect for current subscriptions. This was a mistake, and we deeply apologize for this. Of course, already paying subscribers must be able to continue to use all booked functionality until the end of the subscription period. We have now updated Tutanota again so that

  • Any customers whose current subscriptions renew after May 1st 2021 will be able to keep sending calendar invites and adding more custom domains until the renewal date.
  • Current paid subscriptions that renew before May 1st, 2021, will keep these two functions for another subscription period.

What will change?

Multiple domains

If you have used multiple domains in Tutanota, nothing will change. If you already use one or more domains and you want to add another new domain to your account, you need to book the Business feature first.

Update 2021-03-03: Any extra custom domains will remain part of the paid subscription for as long as you do not book the Business feature. If you already booked the Business feature but do not need it, please disable it before May 1st 2021, or additional custom domains on the account will become dependent on the Business feature subscription. Regardless of this, one custom domain remains part of the Premium subscription.

Calendar invites

If you have booked a paid Tutanota subscription and want to use calendar invites, you need to book the Business feature.

VAT ID issue

In the past European businesses were only able to book a business subscription if they had a VAT ID. This has now changed so that anyone can book a business subscription.

If you are a business using Tutanota as ‘private’ for the above reason, you can now switch to ‘business’ under ‘Settings’ -> ‘Subscription’ -> ‘Usage’. Here you click on the pen symbol and switch to ‘business’. With this switch, you will automatically book the Business feature which includes the above mentioned benefits.

Continued growth

The new Business feature will accelerate Tutanota’s growth as it will enable us to employ more developers in the years to come. We plan to grow our team further this year and beyond to keep improving Tutanota.

The next features in our pipeline are

  • Templates
  • Pushing the desktop clients out of beta
  • Offline mode
  • Fingerprint/pin unlock for the Tutanota apps

Check our roadmap and stay tuned for future updates!