Get the Tutanota App for Firefox OS

We are thrilled that the first version of the Tutanota app has been released for Firefox OS this week. As the Mozilla Foundation and Tutanota share the same goal of making the Web open, accessible and secure, this is the perfect place for our app.

Of course, the app is only a first version, and it has a lot of potential for improvement. You can get the Tutanota app directly from the Firefox Marketplace. It would be great if you start using it right away so that you can give feedback.

We want to thank Nino Vranešič for his support and commitment in pushing the Tutanota app on the Firefox Marketplace. Without Nino we wouldn't have succeeded so quickly.

Since we have published the Tutanota apps for Android and iOS almost one year ago, we wanted to make them available to more communities, particularly to people who use other devices than Android or iOS for privacy reasons. Plus, being the first open source secure email service available on Firefox OS makes us very proud!

Tutanota Web app for Ubuntu

We are also very happy that Nathan Haines made the Tutanota Web app available for Ubuntu phones a couple of months ago. Having these apps is another step forward for our right to privacy.

We would also love to put the Tutanota app on F-Droid, but haven't succeeded so far.

Black and white picture of Matthias thinking and looking to the right side.
Matthias is co-founder and developer of Tuta, focusing on backend development, architecture and email processing. He writes code and political comments to fight for our human right to privacy. He wants to create an encrypted cloud collaboration platform which is so easy to use and so secure that it locks out all the spies. We all deserve a better internet - one where privacy is the default.
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