Read our blog to learn why privacy matters. And don't forget to get an encrypted mailbox yourself!
Facebook caught abusing its app privileges to spy on SnapChat users and now it has shared your FB messages with Netflix.
TikTok is a social media app that tracks an incredible amount of data. A change of location will not change this.
Shops are following Google's and Facebook's example with their own tracking apps so we must say: "No, I'm not installing your app to order food!"
Stripping teens of their right to strong encryption will not leave them safer or better protected from harm.
First the EU Parliament, now the court: client-side scanning may not be rolled our after all. A huge win for privacy advocates!
Apple follows EU Digital Markets Act by introducing hefty fines for independent software developers. Expensive fees will restrict the use of alternative app installation.
Data brokers are making millions by selling your data to intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Surveillance Capitalism is here.
FISA Reform §702 Is a Threat to Democracy At Home and Abroad.
With Gmail confidential mode Google is trying to meet rising privacy concerns. But true confidentiality is impossible without encryption.
Australia's eSafety regulator wants to undermine encryption. We must fight now!
Started with a fine of only $90,000 Norway is about to destroy Facebook's & Instagram's business model relying on personalized ads.
Meta's approach of 'pay for your privacy' is wrong in so many ways. Let's find out why!