Read our blog to learn why privacy matters. And don't forget to get an encrypted mailbox yourself!
In September 2014 we released the entire client code of Tutanota as open source.
New Australian surveillance bill enables police to hack your device, collect or delete your data, and take over your social media accounts.
While politicians still ask for 'legit access' to fight CSAM, the latest Microsoft hack shows that any data stored without encryption is always at risk.
Automated ad displays funds our free web helping the worst parts of the web become more popular.
tl;dr: To make sure your messages stay private, you must switch to encrypted services now.
Why the trade in cyberweapons must be banned just like it's the case with nuclear weapons.
Tutanota is one of the most secure email services due to its focus on encryption and open source. Check out these reviews.
A global sting operation leads to the arrest of criminals using AN0M "FBI" devices.
Secure Connect is an easy-to-use encrypted contact form for websites. Here journalists say why they use Secure Connect.
We have asked your opinion about the encrypted email service Tutanota. Here are the results!
Our research project on implementing post-quantum secure algorithms into Tutanota has reached another milestone.