We are happy to announce that our growing user base worldwide is translating the Tutanota app as well as the website.
Today we launch the Tutanota Homepage and the You & Us page in several languages.
We have limited the number of emails that you can send each day to 100. While this is enough for most of our users, unfortunately some have started misusing Tutanota for sending out spam.
As developers we love Linux, GIMP, OpenOffice and all the other great tools out there. When we started our own project -
Tutanota - we knew from the start that we would open source it as well.
With Tutanota 1.9.4 you are now able to sign up with three letters only.
In addition we've fixed some bugs and prepared our servers for the major release of custom domains in a few weeks.
Our open source Android and iOS apps make end-to-end encrypted on mobile incredibly easy. For a maximum of privacy, you can get the Android app
directly from our website so that you do not depend on Google services.
The recently discovered vulnerability of the TLS/SSL protocol called "Logjam" did not affect your Tutanota emails.
Nevertheless, we checked and updated all our cipher suites directly after the publication of the flaw.
We are happy to let you know that Tutanota 1.9.3 is ready! Now with spam protection and preventing of image loading for a better protection of your privacy.
At re:publica in Berlin, Eric Grosse (Google Security) said end-to-end encryption of their future pgp-plugin is not meant for common use as people would not be
able to benefit from helpful tools like Google's integrated translation.
Germany plans to introduce a data retention law for call data and IP addresses, but not for emails.
While such a law is useless in fighting crimes, it puts every citizen under surveillance.
This needs to stop!
After one year of beta testing we are now ready to strip off the diapers! Today Tutanota is leaving its beta phase with the release of brand-new domains: tutanota.com, tuta.io, tutamail.com and keemail.me. Now you can add one free alias to your account.