Some of the most profitable businesses generate most of their income from ads. Best known representatives of the as-based business
model are Google and Facebook. But the ads you are constantly being shown online have become so invasive and also problematic
that the signs of death are looming above these business models.
It looks like moving away from Microsoft Outlook is becoming a trend - especially among tech-savvy people who value their security. As
recent news show, using big tech email services poses numerous risks. Here's
another example of security vulnerabilities discovered in Outlook and other Microsoft tools - and these are only part
of a long line of security issues reported about MS Outlook.
China is the leading nation when it comes to creating the perfect surveillance state. It does not only set an example to what is
technically possible, it also exports its surveillance technology - and that at a growing rate, leading to digital authoritarianism.
Gmail is putting ads in the middle of user’s inboxes. Of course, we all know that Google is making its money with advertisement
and that’s why Gmail is free. But is it worth being bombarded with ads in your personal inbox? Why bend over backwards to
escape Gmail Ads when you can migrate to Tutanota?
Edward Snowden revealed one of the worst surveillance scandals in US history: He published how the NSA monitored its own
citizens - a clear violation of the US constitution. Public backlash after this revelation might have bought us years in
our fight for privacy. However, today governments around the world are again pushing for more surveillance. This must
be stopped!
Domain hoster just informed its customers via email that they are removing the currently included free email
service for all customers. People who paid for years in advance will be able to keep their domains, but free email
service will be removed - even if they already paid. In case you are looking for a new email service, Tutanota currently
has an unbeatable offer!
The latest proposal from the USPTO in the USA will make it more difficult for everyone working on open source projects to fight bad patents.
We must stop this now by providing a high volume of comments in opposition. Submit your comments now and stand up for the important mechanism
to remove bad patents from the system so that patent trolls abusing these can be stopped!
You've probably seen it on Reddit or Hacker News: People complaining that their self-hosted emails always end up in the
spam folder of Gmail - even if they set up everything correctly. The question being asked: Is Gmail killing
independent email?
The ongoing power struggle between the EU and Big Tech companies highlights the pressing need for a balanced and nuanced
approach to regulatory policies that consider the interests of all parties involved, not in the least consumers. The Digital
Markets Act (DMA) aims at achieving this balance, but will it succeed?
Twitter uses a complex code that - in parts - has now gone open source.
Elon Musk expects that providing code transparency will lead to rapid improvement in recommendation quality and help earn user trust.
Will Musk's plan work?
Last week a tweet went viral asking whether Google's AI Bard was trained on Gmail data. The question was underlined
by the fact that Bard itself said it was trained on "Google Search, Gmail and other data".
If you search the web for why software updates are important, you will get loads of results that say there are "3 or 5 reasons
why software updates are important". While this may be correct, there is only one major reason why you must keep your software
up to date: Security. This has been dramatically proven by the LastPass breach.