PQmail is a research project with the goal to implement quantum computer resistant cryptography usable for everyone in the freely available email application Tutanota.
Basic rights such as freedom of the press and the secrecy of telecommunications also apply to foreigners. Thus, their communication must not be monitored.
Tim Verheyden's revelation that Google employees are listening to you shows why we need a free press and why we need to keep fighting for Press Freedom.
Covid-19 apps are being built to track the spread of the coronavirus. While others commission Palantir to build such an app, Germany listens to privacy advocates to ensure acceptance.
Scam emails are a severe security risk: Phishing attacks and malware attachments are some of the biggest threats. The WHO example shows why it is so hard to get email right.
Due to coronavirus entire populations are being tracked. Measures to fight the pandemic could open the door for more surveillance, strengthen authoritarians and endanger democracies.