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Notice of Website Downtime, Your Encrypted Mailbox Will Still Be Online

Our website will be down for server maintenance for about eight hours starting at 10:30 PM (CEST) April 4th. Your encrypted mailbox will still be accessible via or via our free and open source Android and iOS apps.

During the night of April 4th the website of our secure email service Tutanota will be down for about eight hours. You can still access your encrypted mailbox here.

The easiest way to access Tutanota and to receive push notifications for your encrypted mailbox - even when you are logged out - is to download our free and open source apps for Android and iOS.

Tutanota is a free secure mail service that depends on the support of our community. Fight along with us for taking back our privacy online, rate our apps so that even more people will start using them!

If you want to keep up-to-date about everything that’s going on, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Google+.