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Release Notes 3.0 Private Beta: Testing of our completely new Tutanota client has started.

We are excited to release Tutanota Three in private beta. This is our biggest update to Tutanota since we have started building our secure mail client with automatic encryption five years ago. We have re-build Tutanota from scratch to give it a fresh design, to improve performance and to make it fit for the future. Lots of Tutanota users have already signed up for the private beta and will now start testing our brand new client. The public beta will follow in the coming months, so stay tuned!

Update: The new Tutanota email client has been published: The Future of Emails Is Private with Tutanota’s New Email Client: Fast, Secure, Beautiful.

The fully encrypted Tutanota beta mailbox now comes with a fresh and modern design. The new design is fun to use, even our non-developer team members say so. :) The modern look might not be important for many of our privacy-fans who simply like the fact that Tutanota comes fully encrypted by default - and we heartily thank them for having used Tutanota even when it was ‘just a normal looking’ mail client.

Our long-term goal is that Tutanota will one day replace mainstream mail providers like Gmail and Yahoo (no idea why people are still using Yahoo after they allowed the FBI to spy on all their users). And for this a fresh and modern look is essential because we also want people to use our secure mail service even when they do not care about privacy at all (while of course they should). Just because it is nice and fun to use. Once we achieve this, mass surveillance online will simply become impossible.

Performance improvement

With our 3.0 private beta release the encrypted Tutanota mail client now performs much better than before. This performance improvement is particularly crucial for mobile devices.

Automatic synchronization

Tutanota 3.0 private beta also supports full synchronization so that the Tutanota beta mailbox can be used simultaneously on several devices or in several browsers without any issue. Please note: Synchronization with the Tutanota apps is not yet possible. This will become available once we add our encrypted mail apps to this beta test. In addition the beta allows you to mark emails as read/unread. You are now also able to open additional tabs of your Tutanota mailbox (ie. Contacts, Settings, etc.) with a right-click of your mouse.

Improved security with CSP

Our new client now also supports the Content Security Policy (CSP). While Tutanota already uses sanitizers to prevent XSS attacks on the Tutanota client, the now added CSP helps to further reduce XSS risks on modern browsers by declaring what dynamic resources are allowed to load via a HTTP Header. This makes it impossible for attackers to inject malicious code into the Tutanota client. CSP has recently been added to all modern browsers so it makes sense for Tutanota to now support this improved security feature as well.

No encrypted mail service searches encrypted data

Improved performance and full synchronization are preconditions to add a full-body search feature to the encrypted Tutanota mailbox. All data in Tutanota is encrypted so we cannot search the data on our servers. So far no secure email service has ever developed a feature to search encrypted data because the challenge is high: Your emails must be searched locally on your device, which posts high requirements towards efficiency and speed. This is why we had to rebuild the Tutanota mail client before we can start building the full-body search feature. The search features is on our to-do list after we have released the new client to the general public.

Tutanota 3.0 is still in beta

Please remember that our fully re-build secure mail client Tutanota 3.0 is still in private beta. If you want to keep updated about our new beta client and about when you can join the beta test, please follow us on Facebook, on Instagram, on Google+ and on Twitter.

Login here if you are already using the new beta mail client.