Regardless of a company’s size, location, or industry, using email for professional business communications is vital, and communicating encrypted is often essential. Sending emails is a quick, and convenient way for companies to communicate both internally and externally. While it’s the go-to professional means of communication, it poses security and privacy threats for companies.
US Senate pushes for censorship, instead of looking for real solutions. Here's why KOSA legislation will fail to help the children,
and will ultimately pose a threat to free speech. Congress must stop this dangerous legislation now!
Despite two years of intense internal negotiations, the Council of the EU has again not been able to reach consensus about the Chat Control proposal.
In June, the European Council postponed a vote on the so called 'Upload Moderation' law, better known as Chat Control.
The proposal would have turned everyone into a suspect and undermined encryption, so we are taking the cancelled vote as a victory.
This success was mainly possible because Germany, the spearhead in the fight for privacy in Europe, has summoned all its power - politically and through raising public awareness
to stop this dangerous law.
This May, the Belgian Council presidency has repackaged the EU CSAM regulation to gain a majority support from EU member states. Yet,
the new draft version of the law does not address critical issues and remains a clear threat to end-to-end encryption. Together with
60+ organizations, we've sent an open letter to the EU council to underline the importance of strong encryption and citizens' right
to privacy.
Novinky z Tutanoty
Přečtěte si náš blog a zjistěte, proč na ochraně soukromí záleží. A nezapomeňte si pro sebe založit šifrovanou schránku!
Let’s give a warm welcome to the three privacy enthusiasts who recently joined the Tuta team! This marks eight new team members to join Tuta in 2024 alone, with more planned to join in the next few months.
We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for Tuta – the launch of our newly redesigned website,now with the slogan "Turn on Privacy". This redesign not only offers a fresh look but also reaffirms our commitment to providing unparalleled privacy and security to our users. But it's even more than that: it's an invitation to join our revolution for privacy!
Novinky - ochrana soukromí
Přečtěte si náš blog a zjistěte, proč na ochraně soukromí záleží. A nezapomeňte si pro sebe založit šifrovanou schránku!
Search engines are the gatekeepers of the spread of information. If search results are controlled by a few Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo we need open alternatives that are not dependent upon Silicon Valley. That’s where the European Open Web Index comes in!
Meta – another tech giant who wants to use and abuse your data – has joined the AI band-waggon, but in the EU, this might turn out to be difficult. Based on the GDPR, a lawsuit has been issued against Meta
forcing the Silicon Valley company to halt its plan in the European Union. For now, your data is safe from Meta AI - but there's no guarantee that it stays that way.
A Reddit user shared their conversation with the Gemini AI chatbot and was quite shocked to learn that the data used came from their Gmail emails, despite never having allowed
access for the Large Language Model (LLM). Gemini was quick to explain that they would not have access to private emails in Gmail, but the conversation proved otherwise...
Průvodci od Tuty vám pomohou získat větší soukromí na internetu.
Regardless of a company’s size, location, or industry, using email for professional business communications is vital, and communicating encrypted is often essential. Sending emails is a quick, and convenient way for companies to communicate both internally and externally. While it’s the go-to professional means of communication, it poses security and privacy threats for companies.
As data leaks continue to dominate the tech news cycle, we often hear that emails and passwords were exposed. But what is a hashed password? How does it differ from a non-hashed password and what does "salt" have to do with anything? Let’s dive into these topics and more in today’s guide to cryptography.
As people become more aware of Google’s endless data breaches and lack of user privacy, many are opting for privacy-focused app alternatives. A quick way to ditch Google Calendar is to get a free end-to-end encrypted calendar with Tuta!