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Job opportunity: Join Tutanota to make it quantum-resistant.

Open source email service Tutanota is looking for two software engineers to join university research project.

Tutanota and the Leibniz University Hanover have joined forces to start a research project in post-quantum cryptography. The aim of this project is to make the encrypted email service Tutanota resistant against attacks from quantum computers. Now, Tutanota is looking for two software engineers to join their team based in Hanover, Germany.

About you

We are looking for two software engineers to secure the open source email service Tutanota against attacks from quantum computers. In a couple of weeks we are starting a research project with Leibniz University Hanover. You will be one of the responsible developers for implementing Post-Quantum-Cryptography and Forward Secrecy for all email users of Tutanota.


  • good level of programming skills
  • enthusiastic about open source & cryptography
  • honesty

Please send your application, if applicable with a link to your GitHub profile, to Please only send your documents via Tutanota so that your personal data is securely encrypted end-to-end. You can register a free Tutanota mail account here.

About us

Tutao GmbH is a young company based in Hanover, Germany. With a team of eight, we are developing Tutanota, the secure email service of the future. Join our team of freedom fighters and take part in determining the future of Tutanota. Our dedicated aim is to stop mass surveillance, now and in the future.

For that Tutanota is an open source email service that focuses on providing private, anonymous and secure emails. Started in 2011, our secure email service with built-in encryption protects the online communication of millions of people around the world today. With the rise of quantum computers, the time has come to update our innovative encryption method to make it resistant against quantum computers.

Apply now and join our team of freedom fighters!