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Fridays for Future: Tutanota joins the climate demonstrations.

This Friday the Tutanota Team calls on millions of users to join the international demonstrations for protecting our planet.

This Friday the third global climate demonstration takes place, and Tutanota will be part of it. This Friday, we will join people around the world to demonstrate for a better future. We call on all our users to join us, join one of the global climate demonstrations organized by Fridays for Future on September 20th!

Tutanota joins the climate demonstration

We welcome all our users to join the third global climate demonstration: Please check here to join a climate demo near you.

If you post about your demonstration with the hashtags #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #Tutanota we will be able to find and share your excellent posts.

Why take part in the climate demo

This Friday, we will close our office and join the Fridays for Future demonstration in Hanover, Germany.

We as a company want to do our share to protect the environment. We have already switched to green energy for Tutanota. Nevertheless, there is so much more everyone of us can do to make a change. Similar to our fight for privacy, we want to fight for our environment as well.

Together with the Fridays for Future movement, we want to help end the age of fossil fuels and promote the use of renewable energy.

Join the global demos this Friday to make this happen!

What is Fridays for Future?

Fridays for Future is a student movement, started in the summer of 2018 by Greta Thunberg. The aim of the young people is to convince Politicians and the general public that we have to act now to stop climate change.

The students are demanding change to save our future: “Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.”

After decades of using fossil fuels, the consequences for our planet are becoming obvious. Now it is high time to stop global warming and climate change to save the future.

That’s why the students are striking during school time. They argue that there’s no point in spending time and effort to educate themselves for the future when the governments are not listening to the educated right now.

Scientists around the world agree that climate change is caused by man’s exploitation of nature’s resources, which must be reduced quickly and drastically. Sticking to the goals of the Paris agreement is considered as the minimum requirement to limit the consequences of man-made climate change.