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Encrypted Mail Is on the Rise in Germany

This week the German company Vodafone started an encrypted email service for businesses called 'Secure Email'. We welcome their contribution in making our communication as a whole more secure. It is always good to have competition so that we work even harder in making Tutanota the easiest and most secure email service available to everybody!

We are confident that Tutanota will always be a step ahead of its competition because we are focusing solely on security four years already. We are an agile start-up that develops according to the community’s wishes, thus, we can adapt to the users’ requirements very quickly.

In addition most of the big players in the German email encryption market - Telekom, 1und1, and now Vodafone - focus on business customers while we believe that everybody has the right to privacy with automatic encryption. For that reason, we will always offer a free encrypted mailbox to everyone in the world. We take great effort in making Tutanota usable around the world, for instance by translating it into dozens of languages.

The more encrypt, the better

Our aim is that 100 percent of emails are end-to-end encrypted. Our built-in encryption method is a good step into this direction: More than one third of all emails sent from Tutanota are already encrypted.

We hope that more email services will follow our lead by allowing users to encrypt all their emails automatically without the need of a plugin.

Now that several email services allow their users to integrate plugins for encryption, this would be a consequent step forward to make encryption very easy. Of course, this would mean that targeted advertisements based on email content become impossible, but the market for encrypted emails is growing rapidly. Now is a very good time to allow the automatic encryption of all emails.

Let’s encrypt all emails by default

In the future it will be necessary for all encrypted email services to cooperate. Our aim is that not only all emails between Tutanota users are automatically encrypted, but that also emails between different services are just as secure and confidential. We believe that encryption should not be an add-on, but the default for all emails. Let’s make this dream come true!