Ci-après sont listées les prochaines fonctionnalités que nous prévoyons d'ajouter.
Pensez-vous que nous avons manqué une fonctionnalité importante? Venez en discuter avec nous et la communauté sur notre forum reddit.
Veuillez consulter notre traqueur de bug disponible sur github pour plus de détails comme les corrections de bugs sur lesquels nous travaillons.
#1666: Advanced calendar event repeat rules
As a user i want to be able to define more advanced repeat rules so that i can be more flexible with defining repeating events.
#5051: Conversation in mail list
As a user I want to see a clear list of ongoing conversations in the list so that I don't have to scan through multiple mails that belong to the same conversation.
#1756: Calendar Widget
As a user i want to be able to install a tuta calendar widget on the homescreen so that i can see upcomming events without opening the app.
#3443: Allow write access in offline mode
As a Tutanota user i still want to be able to do certain write operation while i am using the Tutanota application in offline mode. These actions should get synchronized after i am online again. Such actions are:
#630: Email import
As a user I want to import my existing mailbox from a different provider into my Tutanota mailbox, so that I do not lose my old emails and do not have to maintain a second email account.