Дорожня карта Tuta - Плани нашої подальшої розробки.

Ознайомтеся з нашою Дорожньою картою, щоб дізнатися, які наступні функції ми будемо розробляти для сервісу Tuta.

#8558: Key verification

As a user i want to have a mechanism to protect against MITM attacks when using public keys so that i get an error message when public keys are not matching the expected one.

#1756: Calendar Widget

As a user i want to be able to install a tuta calendar widget on the homescreen so that i can see upcomming events without opening the app.

#8557: Partial word search

When entering a search word i expect that emails that contain that word appear as a result even if the search word is not an exact match.

#3443: Allow write access in offline mode

As a Tutanota user i still want to be able to do certain write operation while i am using the Tutanota application in offline mode. These actions should get synchronized after i am online again. Such actions are: