Promoting a free and open Internet

At Tutanota, it is our passion to build the best open source email service. We believe in the power of the free and open Internet.

Patent troll law suits aim at the exact opposite. We believe that patents must never be used to hinder innovation. The LOT Network is important to fight patent trolls, and we are happy to be a member of this great organization.

”LOT Network welcomes Tutanota to our diverse community of large corporations, small and medium enterprises and startups, and hopes Tutanota’s membership will serve as example for others willing to protect their operations and their customers in years to come,” says Ken Seddon, CEO of LOT Network. “Companies like Tutanota, with an important public role of preserving privacy, deserve to be protected themselves from existential patent threats.”

LOT Network efficiently protects against patent trolls

The LOT Network has a simple and efficient set-up that lets its members focus on their core business while protecting them from future troll lawsuits based on patents sold by other participants. The LOT Network already protects its members against potential law suit for more than 1.2 million patents, and this number is growing quickly. When a LOT participant sells a patent, all other participants are granted licenses which will protect them from trolls asserting the sold patent.

Joining the LOT Network is a consequent step for us in order to protect ourselves from patent troll law suits. In 2017 we have already joined the Open Invention Network, which enables open source developers to freely develop and share their work while being protected from patent suits.

Patent trolls are individuals or businesses that purchase patents with the intention of monetizing them by filing lawsuits to enforce the patents. Patent trolls hold these patents instead of utilizing them in an effort to prevent other companies from developing an idea.