Di seguito un elenco delle nuove funzionalità che intendiamo implementare.
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Per favore controlla il nostro issue tracker su GitHub per più dettagli sulle risoluzioni di bug a cui stiamo lavorando al momento.
#8558: Key verification
As a user i want to have a mechanism to protect against MITM attacks when using public keys so that i get an error message when public keys are not matching the expected one.
#1756: Calendar Widget
As a user i want to be able to install a tuta calendar widget on the homescreen so that i can see upcomming events without opening the app.
#8557: Partial word search
When entering a search word i expect that emails that contain that word appear as a result even if the search word is not an exact match.
#3443: Allow write access in offline mode
As a Tutanota user i still want to be able to do certain write operation while i am using the Tutanota application in offline mode. These actions should get synchronized after i am online again. Such actions are:
#630: Email import
As a user I want to import my existing mailbox from a different provider into my Tutanota mailbox, so that I do not lose my old emails and do not have to maintain a second email account.
#1666: Advanced calendar event repeat rules
As a user i want to be able to define more advanced repeat rules so that i can be more flexible with defining repeating events.
#5051: Conversation in mail list
As a user I want to see a clear list of ongoing conversations in the list so that I don't have to scan through multiple mails that belong to the same conversation.