We at Tutanota and Qabel know each other since many years. Together we fight for a better Internet. Following the path of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who invented the binary system here in Hanover, we will invent the Internet of the future where privacy-rights are respected and everybody has the chance to keep their personal data personal.

Hanover Will Become the Encryption City Number One

While Germany wants to become the “encryption site number one”, we will make Hanover the encryption city number one! To achieve this we are developing end-to-end encryption that can be easily used by literally anybody.

Tutanota allows people to use secure email as if they were using normal email: People simply log in to an encrypted mailbox that is decrypted locally with the help of their login password. Sending end-to-end encrypted emails with Tutanota is as easy as sending normal emails.

The Qabel team has just published their first end-to-end encrypted service. Qabel Box (Open Beta), provides client-based online storage for Android and Windows Desktops and lets you get started right away with 2 GB of free storage. Given both people use Qabel, you can now easily share documents encrypted. Try the app, let encryption win!

Encrypt It All!

Now we at Tutanota and Qabel are combining our forces to make encryption massively used. Together we want to stop the ongoing mass surveillance and take back what belongs to us: Our data.