Please donate to Tutanota with Bitcoin here to support the development of your encrypted email service.

Bitcoin support is coming to Tutanota

Bitcoin donations to Tutanota have already been possible for a long time now, and so far we have made very good experiences on how to handle Bitcoin payments. While we are still testing the other cryptocurrencies (Ether, Monero, Bitcoin Cash), we will definitely add Bitcoin as a future payment option to Tutanota.

Why it takes so long to add cryptocurrency support

We at Tutanota have always been in support for cryptocurrencies because we welcome the idea of a decentralized payment method that works independent of centralized payment processors such as banks or credit card institutions.

We had planned to add cryptocurrency support for paying for Tutanota already in 2017 as paying users can benefit from many additional features with our extended Premium and Pro plans.

However, we had to postpone adding cryptocurrency support as we realized that we had to rebuild our open source email client from scratch to improve performance, design and for being able to add new features at a faster pace.

Our new client as well as the new Android app are now in beta. You can get the brand-new beta versions of Tutanota with much improved features here.

You can read more background information on our plan to add Bitcoin support here.