We are proud that we can already support many non-profit organizations with easy-to-use encrypted email. Almost one year ago we’ve started a cooperation with the German organization Stifter-helfen. Now we want to extent this approach to non-profit organizations worldwide.
Since the launch of Tutanota Premium this July, several NPOs have contacted us – from Singapore to Norway to South Africa – asking for a reduced price as they are very much in need for the security and privacy offered by Tutanota. Upon request we offered them Tutanota Premium for 50%. We have decided it would only be fair to offer the same reduction to any NPO worldwide.
Tutanota stores all your emails and contacts encrypted
Tutanota Premium allows you to use your own domain. You don’t need to run your own mail server because with Tutanota all your emails and contacts are stored encrypted on our German-based servers and only you have access. Due to the fact that Tutanota Premium users don’t need to run their own mail server, NPOs can free a lot of time and money that they can put to better use.
At the same time, in opposite to normal cloud solutions, Tutanota Premium users don’t trade in security for convenience because the data is stored encrypted. The standard price for Tutanota Premium per user is €12 per year; NPOs will get it for €6 per year. We try to keep the cost as low as possible so that NPOs can easily provide not only all employees with an individual email address, but also all volunteers.
If you are an NPO and would like to use Tutanota Premium for half price, please get in touch with us. You need to proof that your organization really is an NPO by providing an official website, for instance. We are looking forward to secure the communication particularly of organizations fighting for our freedom, for freedom of the press, for human rights, for our rights to privacy, for ecological causes, for humanitarian causes, … We could continue this list ad infinitum. Please get in touch!