Nils is committed to building secure, open source software because he sees the right to privacy as a basic human right: “In a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to free speech and journalism once again, we need to ensure the ability to share and express opinions without the fear of being persecuted for it. To me Tutanota exemplifies this awareness.”
Make Tutanota quantum-resistant
In 2018 Anton, Ivan and Nils have joined our development team. Now we are looking for two more software engineers to future-proof our secure email system against attacks from quantum computers.
At Tutanota we grow our team continuously rather than extremely fast. We deliberately decline big money from big investors - particularly from American investors. Growing organically is extremely important to us as it guarantees one thing: We remain independent and can decide for ourselves what we develop next, and how.
Only by remaining independent we can make sure that no one can influence our development or ask us to integrate an encryption backdoor.
To make sure that Tutanota will remain true to what we promise - building the most secure email service to protect your right to privacy - we have published the code of our web app, Android, iOS & desktop apps as open source under GPLv3.
Nils is building our brand-new desktop clients
During his internship, Nils started to build the Tutanota desktop clients for Linux, Mac OS and Windows, which we managed to publish right before Christmas as beta. This is a great addition for all Tutanota users as it increases the security and usability to a great extend.
Here you can download the newly released beta version of our dedicated Tutanota desktop clients.
Thanks to Nils, we were able to build and release the brand-new desktop clients in less than four months. Now he will continue to add features to the beta desktop clients that will further improve Tutanota’s usability.
Stay tuned for updates to the desktop clients. These are just some upcoming features:
- email import and synchronization with external mailboxes
- offline availability
Tutanota combines security with ease-of-use
The Tutanota desktop clients are the last application that was needed to enable our users an easy access to their encrypted mailbox, no matter what device they use.
Tutanota is the secure email service that combines the advantages of the cloud – availability, automatic back-up, auto-sync, cost-efficiency – with the advantages of hosting your emails on your local server – security and data sovereignty. This combination makes Tutanota the perfect secure email service for businesses.
Stop using email services that don’t respect your privacy! Learn here how you benefit from upgrading Tutanota.
We are very happy that so many users upgrade their free account every day. You enable us to keep growing so we can develop faster. Thank you very much.