At Tutanota we focus on doing security right: We are building the most secure email service that lets you secure all your data easily.
We do not want to build the most fancy and colorful email client, but one that lets you focus on your emails and calendars with a clear and simple design.
Clear & simple design
Most of our users love our clear and simple design, however, we know it is never possible to satisfy all tastes. Nevertheless, there were a few usability issues with our previous design that needed fixing.
Mobile usability improvements
Particularly on mobile the usability has improved immensely with the latest design. We have moved the buttons to reply, forward or move an email to the bottom as a floating navigation. This means as you read an email and scroll down, the buttons remain visible at all times so that you can act upon the email without the need to scroll back to the top.
This is a neat little improvement which will speed up your workflow on mobile and the main reason why we did this design update now.
Better header display
We have also improved the displaying of the header. On all clients you can now always see at one glance the
- Sender address
- Recipient address
On top of that the design of the subject line was changed to make it more prominent and easier to read.
What users say
So far we have only heard positive feedback about the design update, and we are very glad that you like it!
Alex said on Twitter: “It saves screen space and it feels really good! 👍“
Patrik rated our app five stars saying “Great service, loving the recent UX improvements.”
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new update as well!